95_Alarm.pm: Neue Version mit erweiterten Möglichkeiten

95_YAAHM.pm: Neue Version mit verbesserten Timer-Funktionen

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk/fhem@17344 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
phenning 2018-09-14 14:05:23 +00:00
parent a197616fe1
commit cf7a22f10a
3 changed files with 270 additions and 180 deletions

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@ -43,13 +43,15 @@ my $alarmlinkname = "Alarms"; # link text
my $alarmhiddenroom = "AlarmRoom"; # hidden room
my $alarmpublicroom = "Alarm"; # public room
my $alarmno = 8;
my $alarmversion = "4.05";
my $alarmversion = "5.0";
my %alarm_transtable_EN = (
"ok" => "OK",
"notok" => "Not OK",
"cond" => "Condition",
"start" => "Start",
"end" => "End",
"autocan" => "AutoCancel",
"status" => "Status",
"notstarted" => "Not started",
"next" => "Next",
@ -101,9 +103,11 @@ my %alarm_transtable_EN = (
my %alarm_transtable_DE = (
"ok" => "OK",
"notok" => "Nicht OK",
"notok" => "Nicht OK",
"cond" => "Bedingung",
"start" => "Start",
"end" => "Ende",
"autocan" => "AutoWiderruf",
"status" => "Status",
"notstarted" => "Nicht gestartet",
"next" => "Nächste",
@ -174,7 +178,7 @@ sub Alarm_Initialize ($) {
my $attst = "lockstate:locked,unlocked testbutton:0,1 statedisplay:simple,color,table,none noicons iconmap disarmcolor ".
"armwaitcolor armcolor alarmcolor armdelay armwait armact disarmact cancelact";
for( my $level=0;$level<$alarmno;$level++ ){
$attst .=" level".$level."start level".$level."end level".$level."msg level".$level."xec level".$level."onact level".$level."offact ";
$attst .=" level".$level."cond level".$level."start level".$level."end level".$level."autocan level".$level."msg level".$level."onact level".$level."offact ";
$hash->{AttrList} = $attst;
@ -198,6 +202,7 @@ sub Alarm_Initialize ($) {
return undef;
# Alarm_Define - Implements DefFn function
@ -253,23 +258,6 @@ sub Alarm_Define ($$) {
sub Alarm_transform($){
my ($hash) = @_;
Log 1,"[Alarm] transforming old data format into new one";
my $md = 0;
for( my $i=0;$i<$alarmno;$i++){
if( defined(AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"level".$i."xec",undef)) ){
$md = 1;
$hash->{DATA}{"armstate"}{"level".$i} = AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"level".$i."xec","");
fhem("deleteattr ".$hash->{NAME}." level".$i."xec");
if( $md==1 );
# Alarm_Undef - Implements Undef function
@ -451,6 +439,11 @@ sub Alarm_getsettings($$$){
if( $aval[0] eq "" || $aval[1] eq "" ){
Log3 $hash, 1, "[Alarm] Settings $avl incomplete for alarmActor $dev";
#-- check if empty unset action
if( !defined($aval[3]) ){
$aval[3] = $aval[2];
$aval[2] = "";
#-- check delay time
if( $aval[3] =~ /^\d+$/ ){
if( $aval[3] > 3559 ){
@ -608,29 +601,51 @@ sub Alarm_Exec($$$$$){
if( $act eq "on" ){
#-- only if this level is armed and not yet active
if( ($xec eq "armed") && ($xac eq "armed") ){
#-- check for condition
my $cond = AttrVal($name, "level".$level."cond", 1);
$cond =~ s/\$NAME/$dev/g;
if( eval($cond) ne "1" ){
Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm $level] Cannot be executed due to condition {$cond} not equal to 1 for level".$level."cond";
#-- check for time
my $start = AttrVal($name, "level".$level."start", 0);
my $start = AttrVal($name, "level".$level."start", "0:00");
if( index($start, '{') != -1){
$start = eval($start);
my @st = split(':',$start);
if( (int(@st)>3) || (int(@st)<2) || ($st[0] > 23) || ($st[0] < 0) || ($st[1] > 59) || ($st[1] < 0) ){
Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm $level] Cannot be executed due to wrong time spec $start for level".$level."start";
my $end = AttrVal($name, "level".$level."end", 0);
my $end = AttrVal($name, "level".$level."end", "23:59");
if( index($end, '{') != -1){
$end = eval($end);
my @et = split(':',$end);
if( (int(@et)>3) || (int(@et)<2) || ($et[0] > 23) || ($et[0] < 0) || ($et[1] > 59) || ($et[1] < 0) ){
Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm $level] Cannot be executed due to wrong time spec $end for level".$level."end";
my $dur = AttrVal($name, "level".$level."autocan", "0:00");
if( index($dur, '{') != -1){
$dur = eval($dur);
my @dt = split(':',$dur);
if( (int(@dt)>3) || (int(@dt)<2) || ($dt[0] > 23) || ($dt[0] < 0) || ($dt[1] > 59) || ($dt[1] < 0) ){
Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm $level] Cannot be executed due to wrong time spec $dur for level".$level."autocan";
my $stp = $st[0]*60+$st[1];
my $etp = $et[0]*60+$et[1];
my $dtp = $dt[0]*60+$dt[1];
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time);
my $ntp = $hour*60+$min;
@ -659,6 +674,15 @@ sub Alarm_Exec($$$$$){
$msg = Alarm_getstate($hash)." ".$mga;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", $msg, 1 );
$msg = "[Alarm $level] raised from device $dev with event $evt";
#-- set up timer for auto cancel
if( $dur ne "0:00" ){
my $cmd = "alarm".$level.".autocancel at +$dur {Alarm_Exec('$name',$level,'".$alarm_tt->{"autocan"}."','dummy','off')}";
CommandAttr (undef,'alarm'.$level.'.autocancel room '.$alarmpublicroom);
CommandAttr (undef,'alarm'.$level.'.autocancel group alarmHelper');
#-- calling actors AFTER state update
$cmd = AttrVal($name, "level".$level."onact", 0);
$cmd =~ s/\$NAME/$dev/g;
@ -686,6 +710,7 @@ sub Alarm_Exec($$$$$){
if( ($xac ne "armed")&&($xac ne "disarmed") ){
#-- TODO: ohne intAt auskommen
#-- deleting all running ats
$dly = sprintf("alarm%1ddly",$level);
foreach my $d ( devspec2array("NAME=alarm.dly.*")) {
Log3 $hash,1,"[Alarm] Killing delayed action $d";
@ -834,9 +859,6 @@ sub Alarm_CreateNotifiers($){
return "State locked, cannot create new notifiers";
#-- temporary code: transferm from attributes to hash
for( my $level=0;$level<$alarmno;$level++ ){
#-- delete old defs in any case
@ -1198,6 +1220,7 @@ sub Alarm_widget($){
# Alarm_Html - returns HTML code for the Alarm page
@ -1206,8 +1229,7 @@ sub Alarm_widget($){
sub Alarm_Html($)
sub Alarm_Html($){
my ($name) = @_;
my $ret = "";
@ -1333,28 +1355,38 @@ sub Alarm_Html($)
$ret .= "</td><td></td></tr><tr class=\"odd\"><td class=\"col1\" style=\"text-align:right\">".$alarm_tt->{"cancelbutton"}."&nbsp;&#8608;</td><td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:right\"> ".$alarm_tt->{"cancelaction"}." ";
$ret .= sprintf("<input type=\"text\" id=\"cancelaction\" size=\"50\" maxlength=\"512\" value=\"%s\"/>",(AttrVal($name, "cancelact","") eq "1")?"":AttrVal($name, "cancelact",""));
$ret .= "</td><td></td></tr></table></td></tr>";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"odd\"><td class=\"col1\">".$alarm_tt->{"level"}."</td><td class=\"col2\">".$alarm_tt->{"time"}." [hh:mm]<br/>".
$alarm_tt->{"start"}."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".$alarm_tt->{"end"}."&nbsp;</td><td class=\"col3\">".$alarm_tt->{"messagepart"}." II</td>".
"<td class=\"col4\">".$alarm_tt->{"arm"}."/".$alarm_tt->{"cancel"}."</td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "<tr class=\"odd\"><td colspan=\"3\"style=\"padding:20px 0 20px 0;\"><table><tr><td></td><td></td><td class=\"col2\" colspan=\"3\">".$alarm_tt->{"time"}." [hh:mm]<td/></tr>".
"<tr><td class=\"col1\" style=\"padding:0 10px 0 10px;\">".$alarm_tt->{"level"}."</td><td class=\"col2\" style=\"padding:0 10px 0 10px;\">".$alarm_tt->{"cond"}.
"</td><td class=\"col2\" style=\"padding:0 10px 0 10px;\">".$alarm_tt->{"start"}."</td><td class=\"col2\" style=\"padding:0 10px 0 10px;\">".$alarm_tt->{"end"}.
"</td><td class=\"col2\" style=\"padding:0 10px 0 15px;\">".$alarm_tt->{"autocan"}.
"</td><td class=\"col3\" style=\"padding:0 10px 0 10px;\">".$alarm_tt->{"messagepart"}." II</td>".
"<td class=\"col4\"style=\"padding:0 10px 0 10px;\">".$alarm_tt->{"arm"}."</td><td class=\"col4\">".$alarm_tt->{"cancel"}."</td></tr>\n";
#-- foreach level
for( my $k=0;$k<$alarmno;$k++ ){
my $sval = AttrVal($name, "level".$k."start", 0);
my $cval = AttrVal($name, "level".$k."cond", 1);
my $sval = AttrVal($name, "level".$k."start", "0:00");
$sval = ""
if( $sval eq "1");
my $eval = AttrVal($name, "level".$k."end", 0);
my $eval = AttrVal($name, "level".$k."end", "23:59");
$eval = ""
if( $eval eq "1");
my $mval = AttrVal($name, "level".$k."msg", 0);
my $oval = AttrVal($name, "level".$k."autocan", "0:00");
$oval = ""
if( $oval eq "1");
my $mval = AttrVal($name, "level".$k."msg", "--");
$mval = ""
if( $mval eq "1");
my $xval = $hash->{DATA}{"armstate"}{"level".$k};
$ret .= sprintf("<tr class=\"%s\"><td class=\"col1\">".$alarm_tt->{"alarm"}." $k</td>\n", ($row&1)?"odd":"even");
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"l".$k."s\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"120\" value=\"$sval\"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".
"<input type=\"text\" id=\"l".$k."e\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"120\" value=\"$eval\"/></td>".
$ret .= "<td class=\"col2\" style=\"padding:0 10px 0 10px;\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"l".$k."c\" size=\"15\" maxlength=\"512\" value=\"$cval\"/></td><td class=\"col2\">".
"<input type=\"text\" id=\"l".$k."s\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"120\" value=\"$sval\"/></td><td class=\"col2\">".
"<input type=\"text\" id=\"l".$k."e\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"120\" value=\"$eval\"/></td><td class=\"col2\">".
"<input type=\"text\" id=\"l".$k."o\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"120\" value=\"$oval\"/></td>".
"<td class=\"col3\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"l".$k."m\" size=\"25\" maxlength=\"256\" value=\"$mval\"/></td>";
$ret .= sprintf("<td class=\"col4\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"l".$k."x\" %s onclick=\"javascript:alarm_arm('$name','$k')\"/>",($xval eq "armed")?"checked=\"checked\"":"").
"<input type=\"button\" value=\"".$alarm_tt->{"cancel"}."\" onclick=\"javascript:alarm_cancel('$name','$k')\"/></td></tr>\n";
$ret .= sprintf("<td class=\"col4\" width=\"30px\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"l".$k."x\" %s onclick=\"javascript:alarm_arm('$name','$k')\"/>",($xval eq "armed")?"checked=\"checked\"":"").
"</td><td class=\"col4\"><input type=\"button\" value=\"".$alarm_tt->{"cancel"}."\" onclick=\"javascript:alarm_cancel('$name','$k')\"/></td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "</table></td></tr>";
@ -1428,7 +1460,7 @@ sub Alarm_Html($)
if( AttrVal($name,"testbutton",0) == 1);
$ret .= "</td><td class=\"col4\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"delay\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"$aval[3]\"/></td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "</table></td></tr>\n";
$ret .= "</table>";
@ -1516,8 +1548,7 @@ sub Alarm_Html($)
<li> simple = OXOOOOO</li>
<li> color = <span style="color:lightgray"> 0 </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#53f3c7">1 <span style="font-weight:bold;color:#fd5777"
>2</span> 3 4 5 6 7</span></li>
<li> table = HTML mini table with colored fields for alarms
<li> table = HTML mini table with colored fields for alarms</li>
<li> none = no state display</li>
@ -1535,14 +1566,14 @@ sub Alarm_Html($)
<li><a name="alarm_armwait"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; armwait <i>action</i></code></a>
<br />FHEM action to be carried out immediately after the arm event</li>
<li><a name="alarm_armact"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; armact <i>action</i></code></a>
<br />FHEM action to be carried out at the arme event after the delay time </li>
<br />FHEM action to be carried out at the arm event after the delay time </li>
<li><a name="alarm_disarmact"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; disarmact <i>action</i></code></a>
<br />FHEM action to be carried out on the disarming of an alarm</li>
<li><a name="alarm_cancelact"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; cancelact <i>action</i></code></a>
<br />FHEM action to be carried out on the canceling of an alarm</li>
<li><a name="alarm_internals"></a>For each of the 8 alarm levels, several attributes
hold the alarm setup. They should not be changed by hand, but through the web
interface to avoid confusion: <code>level&lt;level&gt;start, level&lt;level&gt;end,
interface to avoid confusion: <code>level&lt;level&gt;cond, level&lt;level&gt;start, level&lt;level&gt;end, level&lt;level&gt;autocan,
level&lt;level&gt;msg, level&lt;level&gt;onact,
<li>Standard attributes <a href="#alias">alias</a>, <a href="#comment">comment</a>, <a

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ my $yaahmname;
my $yaahmlinkname = "Profile"; # link text
my $yaahmhiddenroom = "ProfileRoom"; # hidden room
my $yaahmpublicroom = "Unsorted"; # public room
my $yaahmversion = "1.54";
my $yaahmversion = "2.0";
my $firstcall = 1;
my %yaahm_transtable_EN = (
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ sub YAAHM_Initialize ($) {
$hash->{GetFn} = "YAAHM_Get";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "YAAHM_Undef";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "YAAHM_Attr";
my $attst = "linkname publicroom hiddenroom lockstate:locked,unlocked simulation:0,1 ".
my $attst = "linkname publicroom hiddenroom lockstate:locked,unlocked simulation:0,1 norepeat:0,1 ".
"modecolor0 modecolor1 modecolor2 modecolor3 statecolor0 statecolor1 statecolor2 statecolor3 ".
"timeHelper modeHelper modeAuto:0,1 stateDevices:textField-long stateInterval noicons:0,1 stateWarning stateHelper stateAuto:0,1 ".
"holidayDevices:textField-long vacationDevices:textField-long specialDevices:textField-long";
@ -450,6 +450,10 @@ sub YAAHM_Define ($$) {
$hash->{DATA}{"DD"} = ();
#-- initial mode and state
#-- determine Astro device
@ -1123,73 +1127,90 @@ sub YAAHM_time {
my $lval = sprintf("%02d%02d",$hour,$min);
my $mval = $dailytable{"morning"}[0];
my $nval = $dailytable{"night"}[0];
my $tval = $dailytable{$targettime}[0];
$mval =~ s/://;
$nval =~ s/://;
$tval =~ s/://;
#-- targetphase always according to real time, not to command time
my $targetphase = ( ($lval >= $mval) && ( $nval > $lval ) ) ? "daytime" : "nighttime";
#-- iterate through table to find next event
my $nexttime;
my $sval;
my $oval="0000";
foreach my $key (sort YAAHM_dsort keys %dailytable){
$nexttime = $key;
$sval = $dailytable{$key}[0];
if (!defined($sval));
$sval =~ s/://;
if ( ($lval <= $sval) && ( $lval > $oval ) );
$oval = $sval;
my $ma = defined($attr{$name}{"modeAuto"}) && ($attr{$name}{"modeAuto"} == 1);
my $sa = defined($attr{$name}{"stateAuto"}) && ($attr{$name}{"stateAuto"} == 1);
#Log 1,"===================> YAAHM Fehlersuche ma,sa = $ma,$sa exec=$exec";
#-- automatically leave party mode at morning time or when going to bed
# TODO Fehler ! Wird nach party um Mitternacht aufgerufen und sichert das Haus, aber in jeder Zeile ein fehler undefined
if( $currmode eq "party" && $targettime =~ /(morning)|(sleep)/ && $ma ){
$msg = YAAHM_mode($name,"normal",$exec)."\n";
$msg .= YAAHM_state($name,"secured",$exec)."\n"
if( $currstate eq "unsecured" && $targettime eq "sleep" && $sa );
#-- automatically leave absence mode at wakeup time
# Ist das wirklich clever ? Was passiert, wenn der Wecker nicht ausgestellt wurde
}elsif( $currmode eq "absence" && $targettime =~ /(wakeup)/ && $ma ){
$msg = YAAHM_mode($name,"normal",$exec)."\n";
#-- automatically leave donotdisturb mode at any time event
}elsif( $currmode eq "donotdisturb" && $ma ){
$msg = YAAHM_mode($name,"normal",$exec)."\n";
#-- automatically secure the house at night time or when going to bed (if not absence, and if not party)
}elsif( $currmode eq "normal" && $currstate eq "unsecured" && $targettime =~ /(night)|(sleep)/ && $sa ){
$msg = YAAHM_state($name,"secured",$exec)."\n";
$hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"time"} = $targettime;
#-- is this a daily timer event ?
my $regex = "((".join(")|(",@times)."))";
my $isdaily = ( $targettime =~ /$regex/ )?1:0;
if( $isdaily ){
my $tval = $dailytable{$targettime}[0];
$mval =~ s/://;
$nval =~ s/://;
$tval =~ s/://;
#-- targetphase always according to real time, not to command time
my $targetphase = ( ($lval >= $mval) && ( $nval > $lval ) ) ? "daytime" : "nighttime";
#-- iterate through table to find next event
my $nexttime;
my $sval;
my $oval="0000";
foreach my $key (sort YAAHM_dsort keys %dailytable){
$nexttime = $key;
$sval = $dailytable{$key}[0];
if (!defined($sval));
$sval =~ s/://;
if ( ($lval <= $sval) && ( $lval > $oval ) );
$oval = $sval;
my $ma = defined($attr{$name}{"modeAuto"}) && ($attr{$name}{"modeAuto"} == 1);
my $sa = defined($attr{$name}{"stateAuto"}) && ($attr{$name}{"stateAuto"} == 1);
#-- automatically leave party mode at morning time or when going to bed
# TODO Fehler ! Wird nach party um Mitternacht aufgerufen und sichert das Haus, aber in jeder Zeile ein fehler undefined
if( $currmode eq "party" && $targettime =~ /(morning)|(sleep)/ && $ma ){
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM_time] Leaving party mode because modeAuto=1";
$msg = YAAHM_mode($name,"normal",$exec)."\n";
if( $currstate eq "unsecured" && $targettime eq "sleep" && $sa ){
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM_time] Securing the house because stateAuto=1";
$msg .= YAAHM_state($name,"secured",$exec)."\n"
#-- automatically leave absence mode at wakeup time
# Ist das wirklich clever ? Was passiert, wenn der Wecker nicht ausgestellt wurde
}elsif( $currmode eq "absence" && $targettime =~ /(wakeup)/ && $ma ){
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM_time] Leaving absence mode because modeAuto=1";
$msg = YAAHM_mode($name,"normal",$exec)."\n";
#-- automatically leave donotdisturb mode at any time event
}elsif( $currmode eq "donotdisturb" && $ma ){
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM_time] Leaving donotdisturb mode because modeAuto=1";
$msg = YAAHM_mode($name,"normal",$exec)."\n";
#-- automatically secure the house at night time or when going to bed (if not absence, and if not party)
}elsif( $currmode eq "normal" && $currstate eq "unsecured" && $targettime =~ /(night)|(sleep)/ && $sa ){
Log3 $name, 1,"[YAAHM_time] Securing the house because stateAuto=1";
$msg = YAAHM_state($name,"secured",$exec)."\n";
$hash->{DATA}{"HSM"}{"time"} = $targettime;
#-- before fixing new times
# if manual wake/sleep/timer, the time for the current day needs to be set to empty,
# but second execution on the same day is blocked if attribute norepeat is set.
if( $targettime eq "wakeup" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[0]{"next"} = "";
}elsif( $targettime eq "sleep" ){
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[1]{"next"} = "";
}elsif( $targettime =~ /timer_(\d+)/ ){
my $i = $1;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"next"} = "";
@ -1203,31 +1224,52 @@ sub YAAHM_time {
my $ival;
my $wupn;
#-- todo here: what should we do, if the timer is NOT enabled and we get up or go to bed anyhow ???
if( $targettime eq "wakeup" ){
$wupn = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[0]{"name"};
$ival = (ReadingsVal($name.".wtimer_0.IF","mode","") ne "disabled");
$xval = $ival ? $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[0]{"action"} : "";
$msg .= "Simulation ".$xval." from weekly profile ".$wupn;
$msg .= " (disabled)"
if !$ival;
}elsif( $targettime eq "sleep" ){
$wupn = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[1]{"name"};
$ival = (ReadingsVal($name.".wtimer_1.IF","mode","") ne "disabled");
$xval = $ival ? $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[1]{"action"} : "";
$msg .= "Simulation ".$xval." from weekly profile ".$wupn;
$msg .= " (disabled)"
if !$ival;
#-- after fixing new time
#-- TODO here: what should we do, if the timer is NOT enabled and we get up or go to bed anyhow ???
if( $targettime =~ /((wakeup)|(sleep)|(timer_(\d+)))/ ){
my $timerno="";
if( $targettime eq "wakeup" ){
}elsif( $targettime eq "sleep" ){
}elsif( $targettime =~ /timer_(\d+)/ ){
$timerno = $1;
$wupn = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timerno]{"name"};
$ival = (ReadingsVal($name.".wtimer_".$timerno.".IF","mode","") ne "disabled");
$xval = $ival ? $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timerno]{"action"} : "";
my $norep = AttrVal($name,"norepeat",0);
if( $exec==1 ){
if( $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timerno]{"done"} && $norep ){
$msg = "Not executing action for timer $targettime, already done";
Log3 $name,3,"[YAAHM_time] ".$msg;
return $msg;
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_time] executing action $xval for timer $targettime";
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timerno]{"done"} = 1;
}elsif( $exec==0 ){
$msg .= "Simulation ".$xval." from timer ".$targettime;
$msg .= " (disabled)"
if !$ival;
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_time] ".$msg;
return $msg;
#-- any other
$xval = $dailytable{$targettime}[2];
$msg .= "Simulation ".$xval;
if( $exec==1 ){
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_time] ecxecuting $xval";
}elsif( $exec==0 ){
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_time] ".$msg;
return $msg;
$msg = "Simulation ".$xval;
if( $exec==1 ){
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_time] ecxecuting $xval";
}elsif( $exec==0 ){
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_time] ".$msg;
return $msg;
@ -1281,6 +1323,7 @@ sub YAAHM_nextWeeklyTime {
#-- all logic in setweeklytime
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"next"} = $time;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"done"} = 0;
@ -1654,8 +1697,7 @@ sub YAAHM_startDayTimer($) {
my $f2 = defined($defaultdailytable{$key}[1]);
my $f3 = defined($hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{$key}[2]) && $hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{$key}[2] ne "";
#-- uh oh, double execution of functions !!! Do this in YAAHM_time, NOT in timer
#my $xval = "{YAAHM_time('".$name."','".$key."')},".$hash->{DATA}{"DT"}{$key}[2];
#-- to prevent double execution of functions do this in YAAHM_time, NOT in timer
my $xval = "{YAAHM_time('".$name."','".$key."',1)}";
#-- entries in the default table with no entry are single-timers
@ -1731,16 +1773,15 @@ sub YAAHM_startWeeklyTimer($) {
$res .= "\nand ([" .$name. ":housemode] =~ \"".$v4a."\")";
$res .= "\nand ([" .$name. ":todayType] =~ \"".$v4b."\")";
#-- action - explicitly in timer, not in YAAHM_time
my $xval = "";
#-- to prevent double execution of functions do this in YAAHM_time, NOT in timer
my $xval;
if( $i==0 ){
$xval = "{YAAHM_time('".$name."','wakeup',0)},".$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"action"};
$xval = "{YAAHM_time('".$name."','wakeup',1)}";
}elsif( $i==1 ){
$xval = "{YAAHM_time('".$name."','sleep',0)},".$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"action"};
$xval = "{YAAHM_time('".$name."','sleep',1)}";
$xval = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"action"};
$xval = "{YAAHM_time('".$name."','timer_".$i."',1)}";
#-- action
$res .= ")\n(".$xval.")";
@ -1770,7 +1811,7 @@ sub YAAHM_setWeeklyTime($) {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
#-- weekly profile times
my ($sg0,$sg1,$sg0mod,$sg1mod,$sg0en,$sg1en,$ring_0,$ring_1,$ng);
my ($sg0,$sg1,$ring_0x,$ring_1x,$ring_0e,$ring_1e,$ring_0,$ring_1,$ng);
#-- iterate over timers
for( my $i=0;$i<int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}} );$i++){
@ -1780,45 +1821,45 @@ sub YAAHM_setWeeklyTime($) {
if( ReadingsVal($name.".wtimer_".$i.".IF","mode","") eq "disabled" ){
$sg0 = "off";
$sg1 = "off";
$sg0en = "disabled (timer)";
$sg1en = "disabled (timer)";
$ring_0e = "disabled (timer)";
$ring_1e = "disabled (timer)";
#-- if the timer is enabled, we'll use its timing values
$sg0 = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{ $weeklytable[$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"weekday"}] } ;
$sg1 = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{ $weeklytable[$hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"weekday"}] };
$sg0en = "enabled";
$sg1en = "enabled";
$ring_0e = "enabled";
$ring_1e = "enabled";
#-- next higher priority for "off" is daytype
my $wupad = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"acti_d"}.",workday,weekend";
#-- start with tomorrow
if( index($wupad, $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"daytype"}) == -1 ){
$sg1mod = "off (".substr(ReadingsVal($name,"tr_tomorrowType",""),0,3).")";
$sg1en = "disabled (".ReadingsVal($name,"tomorrowType","").")";
$ring_1x = "off (".substr(ReadingsVal($name,"tr_tomorrowType",""),0,3).")";
$ring_1e = "disabled (".ReadingsVal($name,"tomorrowType","").")";
}elsif( ($hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[1]{"vacflag"} == 1 ) && index($wupad,"vacation") == -1 ){
$sg1mod = "off (".substr($yaahm_tt->{"vacation"},0,3).")";
$sg1en = "disabled (vacation)";
$ring_1x = "off (".substr($yaahm_tt->{"vacation"},0,3).")";
$ring_1e = "disabled (vacation)";
$sg1mod = $sg1;
$ring_1x = $sg1;
#-- because today we might also have an influence of housemode
if( index($wupad, $hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"daytype"}) == -1 ){
$sg0mod = "off (".substr(ReadingsVal($name,"tr_todayType",""),0,3).")";
$sg0en = "disabled (".ReadingsVal($name,"todayType","").")";
$ring_0x = "off (".substr(ReadingsVal($name,"tr_todayType",""),0,3).")";
$ring_0e = "disabled (".ReadingsVal($name,"todayType","").")";
}elsif( ($hash->{DATA}{"DD"}[0]{"vacflag"} == 1 ) && index($wupad,"vacation") == -1 ){
$sg0mod = "off (".substr($yaahm_tt->{"vacation"},0,3).")";
$sg0en = "disabled (vacation)";
$ring_0x = "off (".substr($yaahm_tt->{"vacation"},0,3).")";
$ring_0e = "disabled (vacation)";
#-- next higher priority for "off" (only today !) is housemode
my $wupam = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"acti_m"}.",normal";
if( index($wupam, ReadingsVal($name,"housemode","")) == -1 ){
$sg0mod = "off (".substr(ReadingsVal($name,"tr_housemode",""),0,3).")";
$sg0en = "disabled (".ReadingsVal($name,"housemode","").")";
$ring_0x = "off (".substr(ReadingsVal($name,"tr_housemode",""),0,3).")";
$ring_0e = "disabled (".ReadingsVal($name,"housemode","").")";
$sg0mod = $sg0;
$ring_0x = $sg0;
#Log 1,"====> AFTER INITIAL CHECK TIMER $i sg0=$sg0 sg0mod=$sg0mod sg1=$sg1 sg1mod=$sg1mod ng=$ng";
#-- no "next" time specification
if( !defined($ng) || $ng eq "" ){
$ring_0 = $sg0;
@ -1853,15 +1894,15 @@ sub YAAHM_setWeeklyTime($) {
}elsif( $nga eq "off" ){
#-- today's waketime not over => we mean today
if( $tga ne "off" && ($tga > $lga)){
if( $sg0mod !~ /^off/ ){
$sg0mod = "off (man)";
if( $ring_0x !~ /^off/ ){
$ring_0x = "off (man)";
$ring_0 = "off";
$ring_1 = $sg1;
#-- today's waketime over => we mean tomorrow
if( $sg1mod !~ /^off/ ){
$sg1mod = "off (man)";
if( $ring_1x !~ /^off/ ){
$ring_1x = "off (man)";
$ring_0 = $sg0;
$ring_1 = "$sg1 (off)";
@ -1872,39 +1913,39 @@ sub YAAHM_setWeeklyTime($) {
if( $nga > $lga ){
#-- the same as original waketime => restore ! (do we come here at all ?)
#if( $ng eq $sg0 ){
# $sg0mod = $sg0;
# $ring_0x = $sg0;
# $ring_0 = $sg0;
# $ng = "";
# $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{ "next" } = "";
#-- new manual waketime tomorrow
$sg0mod = "$ng (man)";
$ring_0 = $ng;
$ring_0x = "$ng (man)";
$ring_0 = $ng;
$ring_1 = $sg1;
#-- "next" before current time => we mean tomorrow
#-- the same as original waketime => restore ! (do we come here at all ?)
#if( $ng eq $sg1 ){
# $sg0mod = $sg1;
# $ring_0x = $sg1;
# $ring_1 = $sg1;
# $ng = "";
# $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{ "next" } = "";
$sg1mod = "$ng (man)";
$ring_1 = "$sg1 ($ng)";
$ring_1x = "$ng (man)";
$ring_1 = "$sg1 ($ng)";
$ring_0 = $sg0;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_0"} = $ring_0;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_1"} = $ring_1;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_0x"} = $sg0mod;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_1x"} = $sg1mod;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_0e"} = $sg0en;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_1e"} = $sg1en;
#Log 1,"====> AFTER FINAL CHECK TIMER $i sg0=$sg0 sg0mod=$sg0mod sg1=$sg1 sg1mod=$sg1mod ng=$ng";
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_0"} = $ring_0;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_1"} = $ring_1;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_0x"} = $ring_0x;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_1x"} = $ring_1x;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_0e"} = $ring_0e;
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_1e"} = $ring_1e;
#Log 1,"====> AFTER FINAL CHECK TIMER $i sg0=$sg0 ring_0x=$ring_0x sg1=$sg1 ring_1x=$ring_1x ng=$ng";
#Log 1," ".$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_0x"}." ".$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"ring_1x"};
#-- notation:
# today_i is today's waketime of timer i
@ -1920,12 +1961,12 @@ sub YAAHM_setWeeklyTime($) {
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "today_".$i,$sg0 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "tomorrow_".$i,$sg1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "today_".$i."_e",$sg0en );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "tomorrow_".$i."_e",$sg1en );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "today_".$i."_e",$ring_0e );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "tomorrow_".$i."_e",$ring_1e );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "ring_".$i,$ring_0 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "ring_".$i."_1",$ring_1 );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "ring_".$i."x",$sg0mod );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "ring_".$i."_1x",$sg1mod );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "ring_".$i."x",$ring_0x );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "ring_".$i."_1x",$ring_1x );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "next_".$i,$ng );
@ -1937,7 +1978,9 @@ sub YAAHM_setWeeklyTime($) {
# YAAHM_sayWeeklyTime - say the next weekly time
# Parameter name = name of device addressed
# Parameter hash = hash of YAAHM dvice
# timer = number of timer
# sp = 1 => output for speech device
@ -1945,13 +1988,13 @@ sub YAAHM_sayWeeklyTime($$$) {
my ($hash,$timer,$sp) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($tod,$tom,$ton,$hl,$ml,$tl,$ht,$mt,$tt,$tsay,$chg,$msg,$hw,$mw,$pt,$rea);
my ($tod,$tom,$ton,$hl,$ml,$tl,$ht,$mt,$tt,$tsay,$chg,$msg,$hw,$mw,$pt,$rea,$done,$norep);
#--determine which timer (duplicate check when coming from set)
if( $timer >= int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}}) ){
$msg = "Error, timer number $timer does not exist, number musst be smaller than ".int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}});
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_sayNextTime] ".$msg;
Log3 $name,1,"[YAAHM_sayWeeklyTime] ".$msg;
return $msg;
@ -1961,6 +2004,8 @@ sub YAAHM_sayWeeklyTime($$$) {
#-- get timer values from readings, because these include vacation settings and special time
$tod = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timer]{"ring_0x"};
$tom = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timer]{"ring_1x"};
$done = $hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$timer]{"done"};
$norep = AttrVal($name,"norepeat",0);
#-- current local time
($hl,$ml) = split(':',strftime('%H:%M', localtime(time)));
@ -1968,11 +2013,13 @@ sub YAAHM_sayWeeklyTime($$$) {
#-- today off AND tomorrow any time or off => compare this time with current time
if( $tod =~ /^off.*/ ){
#-- tomorrow any time
if( $tom =~ /(\d?\d):(\d\d)(:(\d\d))?/ && $tom !~ /.*\(off\)$/ ){
#Log 1,"===========> |$1|$2|$3|$4";
($ht,$mt) = split('[\s:]',$tom);
#-- wakeup tomorrow later than now
if( $tt < $tl ){
$hw = $1*1;
@ -1992,13 +2039,15 @@ sub YAAHM_sayWeeklyTime($$$) {
$pt = $yaahm_tt->{"undecid"};
$msg .= " ".$yaahm_tt->{"undecid"};
#-- today nontrivial => compare this time with current time
}elsif( $tod =~ /(\d?\d):(\d\d)(:(\d\d))?/ ){
#Log 1,"===========> |$1|$2|$3|$4";
($ht,$mt) = split('[\s:]',$tod);
#-- wakeup later today
if( $tt >= $tl ){
#-- wakeup later today, and ( not yet done - or done, but repeat possible)
if( ($tt >= $tl) && (($done == 0) | (($done == 1)&&($norep == 0))) ){
$hw = $1*1;
$mw = $2*1;
$pt = sprintf("%d:%02d",$hw,$mw)." ".lc($yaahm_tt->{"today"});
@ -2338,6 +2387,11 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
$yaahm_tt = \%yaahm_transtable_EN;
#-- iterate over timers to reset the "done" flag
for( my $i=0;$i<int( @{$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}} );$i++){
$hash->{DATA}{"WT"}[$i]{"done"} = 0;
my ($ret,$line,$fline,$date);
my (@lines,@chunks,@tday,@eday,@sday,@tmor,@ttwo);
my ($todaydesc,$todaytype,$tomdesc,$tomtype,$twodesc,$twotype);
@ -2650,6 +2704,7 @@ sub YAAHM_GetDayStatus($) {
return undef;
@ -3924,7 +3979,9 @@ sub YAAHM_Longtable($){
<li>On time (event) <i>wakeup</i>, <i>absence</i> mode will be reset to <i>normal</i> mode.</li>
<li>On <i>any</i> time (event), <i>donotdisturb</i> mode will be reset to <i>normal</i> mode.</li>
<li><<a name="yaahm_norepeat"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; norepeat 0|1</code></a>
<br/> if set to 1, repeated executions of wakeup, sleep and other timer events from the weekly programme will be suppressed.</li>
<li><a name="yaahm_statedevices"><code>attr &lt;name&gt; stateDevices (&lt;device&gt;:&lt;state-unsecured&gt;:&lt;state-secured&gt;:&lt;state-protected&gt;:&lt;state-guarded&gt;,)*</code></a>
<br />comma separated list of devices and their state in each of the house (security) states. Each of the listed devices will be checked in the interval given by the <i>stateInterval</i> attribute
for its proper state, and a <i>stateWarning</i> function will be called if it is not in the proper state.</li>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// alarm.js
// Version 4.03
// Version 5.0
// See 95_Alarm for licensing
//# Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning
@ -258,8 +258,10 @@ function alarm_set(name) {
for (var i = 0;
i < alarmno;
i++) {
FW_cmd(url + '?XHR=1&fwcsrf=' + csrfToken + '&cmd.' + name + '=attr%20' + name + '%20level' + i + 'cond%20' + document.getElementById('l' + i + 'c').value);
FW_cmd(url + '?XHR=1&fwcsrf=' + csrfToken + '&cmd.' + name + '=attr%20' + name + '%20level' + i + 'start%20' + document.getElementById('l' + i + 's').value);
FW_cmd(url + '?XHR=1&fwcsrf=' + csrfToken + '&cmd.' + name + '=attr%20' + name + '%20level' + i + 'end%20' + document.getElementById('l' + i + 'e').value);
FW_cmd(url + '?XHR=1&fwcsrf=' + csrfToken + '&cmd.' + name + '=attr%20' + name + '%20level' + i + 'autocan%20' + document.getElementById('l' + i + 'o').value);
FW_cmd(url + '?XHR=1&fwcsrf=' + csrfToken + '&cmd.' + name + '=attr%20' + name + '%20level' + i + 'msg%20' + document.getElementById('l' + i + 'm').value);
if (document.getElementById('l' + i + 'x').checked == true) {
val = "armed";