
356 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

# $Id: 14_CUL_WS.pm,v 1.27 2010-08-14 11:42:46 rudolfkoenig Exp $
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Supports following devices:
# KS300TH (this is redirected to the more sophisticated 14_KS300 by 00_CUL)
# S300TH
# WS2000/WS7000
my ($hash) = @_;
# Message is like
# K41350270
$hash->{Match} = "^K.....";
$hash->{DefFn} = "CUL_WS_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "CUL_WS_Undef";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "CUL_WS_Attr";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "CUL_WS_Parse";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev do_not_notify:0,1 showtime:0,1 model:S300TH,KS300 loglevel ignore:0,1";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "wrong syntax: define <name> CUL_WS <code> [corr1...corr4]"
if(int(@a) < 3 || int(@a) > 7);
return "Define $a[0]: wrong CODE format: valid is 1-8"
if($a[2] !~ m/^[1-8]$/);
$hash->{CODE} = $a[2];
$hash->{corr1} = ((int(@a) > 3) ? $a[3] : 0);
$hash->{corr2} = ((int(@a) > 4) ? $a[4] : 0);
$hash->{corr3} = ((int(@a) > 5) ? $a[5] : 0);
$hash->{corr4} = ((int(@a) > 6) ? $a[6] : 0);
$modules{CUL_WS}{defptr}{$a[2]} = $hash;
return undef;
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
delete($modules{CUL_WS}{defptr}{$hash->{CODE}}) if($hash && $hash->{CODE});
return undef;
my ($hash,$msg) = @_;
my %tlist = ("0"=>"temp",
# -wusel, 2010-01-24: *sigh* No READINGS set, bad for other modules. Trying to add
# setting READINGS as well as STATE ...
my $NotifyType;
my $NotifyHumidity;
my $NotifyTemperature;
my $NotifyRain;
my $NotifyIsRaining;
my $NotifyWind;
my $NotifyWindDir;
my $NotifyWindSwing;
my $NotifyBrightness;
my $NotifyPressure;
my %NotifyMappings = (
"T" => "temperature",
"H" => "humidity",
"R" => "rain",
"IR" => "is_raining",
"W" => "wind",
"WD" => "wind_direction",
"WS" => "wind_swing",
"B" => "brightness",
"P" => "pressure",
my @a = split("", $msg);
my $firstbyte = hex($a[1]);
my $cde = ($firstbyte&7) + 1;
my $type = $tlist{$a[2]} ? $tlist{$a[2]} : "unknown";
# There are only 8 S300 devices. In order to enable more, we try to look up
# the name in connection with the receiver's name ("CUL868.1", "CUL433.1")
# See attr <name> IODev XX
my $def = $modules{CUL_WS}{defptr}{$hash->{NAME} . "." . $cde};
$def = $modules{CUL_WS}{defptr}{$cde} if(!$def);
if(!$def) {
Log 1, "CUL_WS UNDEFINED $type sensor detected, code $cde";
return "UNDEFINED CUL_WS_$cde CUL_WS $cde";
my $tm=TimeNow();
$hash = $def;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "" if(IsIgnored($name));
my $typbyte = hex($a[2]) & 7;
my $sfirstbyte = $firstbyte & 7;
my $val = "";
my $devtype = "unknown";
my $family = "unknown";
my ($sgn, $tmp, $rain, $hum, $prs, $wnd);
if($sfirstbyte == 7) {
if($typbyte == 0 && int(@a) > 6) { # temp
$sgn = ($firstbyte&8) ? -1 : 1;
$tmp = $sgn * ($a[6].$a[3].".".$a[4]) + $hash->{corr1};
$val = "T: $tmp";
$devtype = "Temp";
if($typbyte == 1 && int(@a) > 8) { # temp/hum
$sgn = ($firstbyte&8) ? -1 : 1;
$tmp = $sgn * ($a[6].$a[3].".".$a[4]) + $hash->{corr1};
$hum = ($a[7].$a[8].".".$a[5]) + $hash->{corr2};
$val = "T: $tmp H: $hum";
$devtype = "PS50";
$family = "WS300";
$NotifyType="T H";
if($typbyte == 2 && int(@a) > 5) { # rain
#my $more = ($firstbyte&8) ? 0 : 1000;
my $c = $hash->{corr1} ? $hash->{corr1} : 1;
$rain = hex($a[5].$a[3].$a[4]) + $c;
$val = "R: $rain";
$devtype = "Rain";
$family = "WS7000";
if($typbyte == 3 && int(@a) > 8) { # wind
my $hun = ($firstbyte&8) ? 100 : 0;
$wnd = ($a[6].$a[3].".".$a[4])+$hun;
my $dir = ((hex($a[7])&3).$a[8].$a[5])+0;
my $swing = (hex($a[7])&6) >> 2;
$val = "W: $wnd D: $dir A: $swing";
$devtype = "Wind";
$family = "WS7000";
$NotifyType="W WD WS";
if($typbyte == 4 && int(@a) > 10) { # temp/hum/press
$sgn = ($firstbyte&8) ? -1 : 1;
$tmp = $sgn * ($a[6].$a[3].".".$a[4]) + $hash->{corr1};
$hum = ($a[7].$a[8].".".$a[5]) + $hash->{corr2};
$prs = ($a[9].$a[10])+ 900 + $hash->{corr3};
if($prs < 930) {
$prs = $prs + 100;
$val = "T: $tmp H: $hum P: $prs";
$devtype = "Indoor";
$family = "WS7000";
$NotifyType="T H P";
if($typbyte == 5 && int(@a) > 5) { # brightness
my $fakt = 1;
my $rawfakt = ($a[5])+0;
if($rawfakt == 1) { $fakt = 10; }
if($rawfakt == 2) { $fakt = 100; }
if($rawfakt == 3) { $fakt = 1000; }
my $br = (hex($a[5].$a[4].$a[3])*$fakt) + $hash->{corr1};
$val = "B: $br";
$devtype = "Brightness";
$family = "WS7000";
if($typbyte == 6 && int(@a) > 0) { # Pyro: wurde nie gebaut
$devtype = "Pyro";
$family = "WS7000";
if($typbyte == 7 && int(@a) > 8) { # Temp/hum
$sgn = ($firstbyte&8) ? -1 : 1;
$tmp = $sgn * ($a[6].$a[3].".".$a[4]) + $hash->{corr1};
$hum = ($a[7].$a[8].".".$a[5]) + $hash->{corr2};
$val = "T: $tmp H: $hum";
$devtype = "Temp/Hum";
$family = "WS7000";
$NotifyType="T H";
} else { # $firstbyte not 7
if(@a == 9 && int(@a) > 8) { # S300TH
$sgn = ($firstbyte&8) ? -1 : 1;
$tmp = $sgn * ($a[6].$a[3].".".$a[4]) + $hash->{corr1};
$hum = ($a[7].$a[8].".".$a[5]) + $hash->{corr2};
$val = "T: $tmp H: $hum";
$devtype = "S300TH";
$family = "WS300";
$NotifyType="T H";
} elsif(@a == 15 && int(@a) > 14) { # KS300/2
my $c = $hash->{corr4} ? $hash->{corr4} : 255;
$rain = sprintf("%0.1f", hex("$a[14]$a[11]$a[12]") * $c / 1000);
$wnd = sprintf("%0.1f", "$a[9]$a[10].$a[7]" + $hash->{corr3});
$hum = sprintf( "%02d", "$a[8]$a[5]" + $hash->{corr2});
$tmp = sprintf("%0.1f", ("$a[6]$a[3].$a[4]"+ $hash->{corr1}),
(($a[1] & 0xC) ? -1 : 1));
my $ir = ((hex($a[1]) & 2)) ? "yes" : "no";
$val = "T: $tmp H: $hum W: $wnd R: $rain IR: $ir";
$devtype = "KS300/2";
$family = "WS300";
$NotifyType="T H W R IR";
} elsif(int(@a) > 8) { # WS7000 Temp/Hum sensors
$sgn = ($firstbyte&8) ? -1 : 1;
$tmp = $sgn * ($a[6].$a[3].".".$a[4]) + $hash->{corr1};
$hum = ($a[7].$a[8].".".$a[5]) + $hash->{corr2};
$val = "T: $tmp H: $hum";
$devtype = "TH".$sfirstbyte;
$family = "WS7000";
$NotifyType="T H";
if(!$val) {
Log GetLogLevel($name,1), "CUL_WS Cannot decode $msg";
return "";
Log GetLogLevel($name,4), "CUL_WS $devtype $name: $val";
# Sanity checks
if($NotifyTemperature && $hash->{READINGS}{temperature}{VAL}) {
my $tval = $hash->{READINGS}{strangetemp} ?
$hash->{READINGS}{strangetemp}{VAL} :
my $diff = ($NotifyTemperature - $tval)+0;
if($diff < -15.0 || $diff > 15.0) {
Log 2, "$name: Temp difference ($diff) too large: $val, skipping it";
$hash->{READINGS}{strangetemp}{VAL} = $NotifyTemperature;
$hash->{READINGS}{strangetemp}{TIME} = $tm;
return "";
delete $hash->{READINGS}{strangetemp} if($hash->{READINGS});
if(defined($hum) && ($hum < 0 || $hum > 100)) {
Log 1, "BOGUS: $name reading: $val, skipping it";
return "";
$hash->{STATE} = $val; # List overview
$hash->{READINGS}{state}{TIME} = $tm; # For list
$hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} = $val;
$hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $val; # For notify
my $i=1;
my $j;
my @Notifies=split(" ", $NotifyType);
for($j=0; $j<int(@Notifies); $j++) {
my $val = "";
if($Notifies[$j] eq "T") { $val = $NotifyTemperature;
} elsif($Notifies[$j] eq "H") { $val = $NotifyHumidity;
} elsif($Notifies[$j] eq "R") { $val = $NotifyRain;
} elsif($Notifies[$j] eq "W") { $val = $NotifyWind;
} elsif($Notifies[$j] eq "WD") { $val = $NotifyWindDir;
} elsif($Notifies[$j] eq "WS") { $val = $NotifyWindSwing;
} elsif($Notifies[$j] eq "IR") { $val = $NotifyIsRaining;
} elsif($Notifies[$j] eq "B") { $val = $NotifyBrightness;
} elsif($Notifies[$j] eq "P") { $val = $NotifyPressure;
my $nm = $NotifyMappings{$Notifies[$j]};
$hash->{READINGS}{$nm}{TIME} = $tm;
$hash->{READINGS}{$nm}{VAL} = $val;
$hash->{CHANGED}[$i++] = "$nm: $val";
return $name;
my @a = @_;
# Make possible to use the same code for different logical devices when they
# are received through different physical devices.
return if($a[0] ne "set" || $a[2] ne "IODev");
my $hash = $defs{$a[1]};
my $iohash = $defs{$a[3]};
my $cde = $hash->{CODE};
$modules{CUL_WS}{defptr}{$iohash->{NAME} . "." . $cde} = $hash;
return undef;