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READ-ONLY mirror of the main Subversion repository trunk, updated daily.


  1. The master branch hosts the current source code from FHEM SVN Trunk.
  2. The travis branch is controlling the mirroring process, running on Travis CI.

Pull requests

Pull requests to any other branch besides travis will be rejected.

Please visit the official FHEM support forum to post your patches.

Author matching

Authors from the Subversion repository will be referred here without any email relation.

Those that also have an Github.com account might have a different username here.

The authors.txt file will ensure to re-write authors from the Subversion repository to their Github.com username and email address. Should an author want to be re-matched for any future commits, s/he may modify authors.txt file and send a Git pull request.

For that purpose, remember to fork the correct branch travis, not the master branch.